Past Workshops

Past IEC Workshops


IEC Asset Driven Equitable Parternships (ADEP) Workshop

March 17, 2023

The mission of IEC is to enable Minority Serving Institution's ECE programs to produce more and better prepared graduates by building partnerships with PWIs, industry, government, etc. These partnerships must be equitable with all voices being heard and all relevant assets identified and utilized. This has led IEC to address what makes an asset-driven equitable partnership and how to develop and sustain such partnerships.

Asset Driven Equitable Partnership Overview

>>View Presentation

Semiconductors Research and Education 

>>View Presentation




IEC Catalyst Workshop: Making Better Engineers Through Social Justice

October 26, 2021 & October 28, 2021

The IEC convened for a two-day virtual workshop that brought together MSIs, PWIs, and industry partners to discuss strategies, research opportunities, and establish equitable partnerships that address emerging technologies and research opportunities. Participants learned about best practices for making better engineers through social justice.

Paticipants included:


  • IEC Sustaining Members (HBCUs, HSIs, TCUs, and other MSIs)

  • IEC Affiliate Members (PWIs) and PWIs interested in learning more about becoming an IEC partner

  • IEC Corporate Members and industry representatives interested in learning more about becoming an IEC partner   




IEC's Anti-Racist Practice in Engineering Panel

May 18, 2021

>> View Now! 

The IEC's Anti-Racist Practice in Engineering Workshop features a panel of administrators and leaders that will discuss changes during their tenure and identify impacts, barriers, and transformations.

The panelists give their insights on the following questions during their tenure: What has been transformational? What are the biggest barriers? What has had a large impact? What are the biggest challenges faced now and previously? What re the outcomes?


Pre-Workshop Requirements


Required Reading

Watch Video

Ibram X. Kendi lecture & discussion on How to be an Anti-Racist



Delia Saenz

 Chief Diversity Officer for the College of
Liberal Arts & Sciences
Arizona State University


Stephanie Adams

Dean, Jonsson School of Engineering & Computer Science
The University of Texas at Dallas


Karen Butler-Purry

Associate Provost for Graduate and Professional Studies
Texas A&M Univeresity 


Christine Grant

Program Director
National Science Foundation


Mark Smith

Dean, Graduate School
Senior Vice Provost, Academic Affairs
The University of Texas at Austin


Renetta Garrison Tull

Vice Chancellor of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
University of California, Davis








iCASE Workshop Series

December 15, 2020


The Inclusive Engineering Consortium (IEC) is pleased to introduce the Inclusive Consortium of Autonomous Systems Engineers (iCASE), an initiative supported by a NASA INCLUDES planning grant. The goal of iCASE is to support activities that increase minority participation in areas that contribute to autonomous systems. These include, but are not limited to controls, artificial intelligence, embedded systems, communications, image and signal processing, and sensors. iCASE partners include the members of IEC, K-12 outreach partners, industry, government and R1 universities. Through this collaboration, we will create a mutually beneficial network to attract, retain, and graduate a significantly greater number of minorities in autonomous systems.


iCASE will achieve this goal using the following tactics:


Exposing: Facilitating underserved populations’ access to FIRST robotics Supporting K-12 teachers and community college instructors as they present robotics and autonomous systems-related topics


Encouraging: Actively recruiting undergraduate students to pursue careers in autonomy


Educating: Creating interesting and engaging courses and co-curricular activities as part of a student’s rigorous engineering preparation Collaborating with those providing internships and co-ops to make academic and experiential learning more seamless


Engaging: Catalyze a broader community of engagement through the “virtual department” construct


Employing: Provide appropriate venues for students and employers to explore


IEC Online Mini-Workshop Series

May - December 2020

>> View Now! 

Since the cancellation of the IEC Workshop at the 2020 ECEDHA Annual Conference this past March, we have been working diligently to ensure that the series of 10 IEC Workshops move forward virtually. Led by academia, these highly interactive discussions will cover best practices, making connections with ECE faculty at R1 institutions, hands-on education, remote labs, and more!




ECE @ HSI Workshop Series

October 2020 - January 2021

>> View Now! 

The goal of this planning grant is to complete initiation and planning phases for the Coalition for Innovation, Education and Research in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Hispanic Serving Institutions (ECE@HSI) with the overarching goal of supporting broadening participation in electrical and computer engineering. ECE@HSI aims at

• Promoting dialogue by involving a broad community of academic institutions and stakeholders to effectively address issues associated with broadening participation in ECE;
• Promoting evidence-based strategies to support Hispanic students at critical stages in the ECE academic pipeline to improve recruitment, retention and degree completion at HSIs; and
• Providing ECE@HSI students technical, research, and professional skill sets and the knowledge to engage effectively with the NASA enterprise workforce.

This workshop series is based upon work supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under Grant 80NSSC20K1769 from the NASA Minority University Research and Education Project (MUREP)



The Inclusive Engineering Consortium Stakeholders' Workshop

July 14-15, 2019, Intel Campus, Tigard, OR.

Hosted by: 


IEC Virtual Workshop, ECEDHA Annual Conference

March, 2019, Tucson, AZ.

IEC Launch Workshop

June, 2018, Alexandria, VA.

Last ECP Workshop, ECEDHA Annual Conference

March, 2018, Monterey, CA.


IEC Corporate Members 








Pathways Supporters