The Inclusive Engineering Consortium is a culmination of nearly two decades of collaboration between historically minority serving institutions.
We have expanded the IEC community to 15 HBCU Members, 3 HSI Members, 3 TCU Members, 7 Coporate Members, 12 Affiliate Members. We are now supporting over 5000 students and 200+ faculty members.
The IEC welcomes its first two Tribal College & University Members, two new HSI Members, bringing its total to 3. IEC hosts the Anti-Racist Practice in Engineering Workshop Series, an NSF funded program
IEC hosts two NASA INCLUDES grant initiative workshop series: - iCASE: Focus on increasing diversity in autonomous systems and ECE @ HSI: Focus on broadening participation at HSIs. The IEC Mini-Workshop Series focuses on hands-on collaboration, remote labs, and R1 collaboration during COVID-19.
The success of the HBCU-ECP Program led to the formalization of the Inclusive Engineering Consortium (IEC) with 15 HBCU Members, 1 HSI Member, and 1 Coporate Member
2013- 2018
The NSF HBCU ECP program, with its 13 collaborators, was the first program of this scale, resulting in fundamental changes in how ECE education is offered. This group is a model for how minority serving schools can work together productively.
Mobile Hands-On STEM merged Mobile Studio with TESSAL (Georgia Tech) and Lab-In-A-Box (Virginia Tech) to advance the use of personal instrumentation
NSF was consulted on how best to expand this development of new pedagogy to HBCU ECE programs and they encouraged all 13 schools to submit a joint proposal.
LESA and Intel provided funding to bring together all 13 HBCUs with ECE programs for a meeting of which 11 additional HBCUs were introduced to Mobile Studio Pedagogy
The LESA ERC brought RPI, Howard, and Morgan State together on research and education
The Mobile Studio Project (RPI), with funding from NSF, Hewlett-Packard, and Analog Devices, demonstrated improved learning through hands-on activities enabled by personal instrumentation. Howard and Rose-Hulman were early partners.